Long exposure picture of Sirènes Sylvestres' LEDs. Planterwald forest, Berlin, 2013.

Sirènes Sylvestres is a night-time interactive installation opening progressive light passages through the forest.

Attracted by a light on the edge of the woods, the wanderer comes closer. As soon as he steps into the pale circle of light, the light turns off. Instantaneously, another one turns on a bit further, revealing a path through the undergrowth. The wanderer stepping into this path only perceives the few meters ahead, following a light which always slips away.

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Montage of an interactive waterfall parallel to the shore, opening when someone is passing by (image by Matthias Schmitt).

Paris “intra muros” is one of the most dense city in the world. Its borders use to evolve threw the age, but remain the same since 1860, to be now represented by the “périphérique” motorway. Parisians almost never cross it, and therefore create a very strong psychological border. How to break this psychological border?

Along the canal de l’Ourq, which flow through Paris and the northern suburb Saint Ouen, Rain-bows transforms each bridges into an interactive waterfall (including the ring motorway bridge). By a light and playful intervention in the urban landscape, the Rain-bows plays down the importance of the borders by multiplying and magnifying it.

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